2013 Worship Guide - page 22

Page 22
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
Lincoln Christian Church
ears ago, Dr. Seuss wrote a book called
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”
Many of you know the story. The Grinch
hated seeing and hearing all the people of
Whoville celebrating Christmas, so he tries
to figure out a way to stop Christmas from
coming. He decides that if he steals all the
presents, decorations and special Christ-
mas food, then he will stop Christmas. He
spends the whole night sneaking around
and stealing everything Christmassy from
all the houses. When Christmas morn-
ing comes, the Grinch is shocked that his
plan didn’t work. Christmas still comes to
Whoville. The people are still happy, and
they gather hand in hand to sing Christmas
Our secular world steals Christmas better
than the Grinch ever dreamed. It doesn’t
take things away; it just replaces what
is most important about Christmas with
packages and objects and junk. And for
years now, the real meaning of Christmas is
slowly stolen from us.
Where did it go?
Simple! We replaced it with humanism.
Instead of Jesus being center, we replaced
him. We are in many ways now an anti-
Christian society – anything with the name
Christ in it must go away. (Remember
greeting cards that read “Merry Xmas”?)
Can’t call it a Christmas tree … no! It’s a
holiday tree.
For years, the atheists have been on the
march, objecting to God’s name in pledges
and on our money, objecting to crosses
and of course, Nativity scenes. One atheist
group placed a sign of their own next to a
Nativity: “There are no gods, no devils, no
angels, Atheist or Jesus! They can’t both be
right now, can they?
Ron Otto, pastor
Lincoln Christian Church
Who is right in Whoville?
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