Page 26
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily
surrounding area. In this wonderful
Christmas season, there are so many
that are hurting, so many that are
lonely. There are so many that simply
need you. I ask in Jesus’ name that you
would pour out your love across this
city. I pray that you will touch every
heart and cause your blessing to rest
on every home. Come alongside that
father looking for work. Come along-
side the single mom struggling to make
ends meet. Come to the bedside of the
sick. Encourage! Bring hope! Bring
healing! I ask that You would turn the
hearts of each one toward You – young
and old, from every generation. I ask
that You would put faith in our hearts
and help us to believe again. And not
simply because of the emotions of the
Christmas season, but because You are
really who You say You are. Lincoln
needs you, Father! Help us return to
You with all our hearts. In Jesus’ name,
Darren Palmer
Lead pastor
Faith Assembly of God