2013 Worship Guide - page 25

Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
2013 Worship Guide
Page 25
(and region), at the end
of 2013. I still believe that
nothing is too hard for God!
Last spring, we watched as
God unstopped the ears of
a baby boy, documented by
doctors the next day. We
have seen him heal chronic
migraines and backs. He has
healed many people just this
past year. Some say miracles
are for yesterday, but don’t
tell that to any of these peo-
ple! With God, nothing is
Now we don’t serve a Santa
Claus God who simply gives
us whatever we wish for.
(That’s not the God of the
Bible.) But read through the
gospels – Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John. Read through
the book of Acts. They are
filled with Jesus and the
early church doing miracles!
They participated over and
over with a wonderful God
who so obviously wanted to
do great things for people.
The lame were healed, the
blind saw, those in bond-
age were set free. Real hope
came to the hopeless!
Yes, the most wonderful
miracle is when a person
surrenders their life to Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior!
This is a supernatural event,
when we fallen people en-
counter a marvelous Savior
who has paid the price for
our sin. Thank you, Lord!
But the interaction between
God and His people doesn’t
stop there.
Some of you reading this
article are in need of a mira-
cle right now. You have con-
ditions that man cannot fix.
You have sons and daughters
who have turned away from
the Lord. You have financial
needs and don’t know where
to turn. You need a miracle! I
have good news for you. God
sees you right where you
are. You can call out to Him.
You can trust Him. He will
meet your need. Nothing is
impossible with God.
I love the response of Mary
– “Let it be to me exactly as
you have said it!” Friends,
she took the angel of the
Lord at his word. And that’s
exactly what you and I
have to do. We have to take
God’s Word, read it, hide it
in our heart and BELIEVE
it. We have to take God at
His word! Sir, He loves you.
Ma’am, He loves you. Can
you trust Him? Can you
reach out to Him?
I want to pray a Christmas
blessing over you and your
family right now:
“Father, I lift up to you the
people of Lincoln and the
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