2013 Worship Guide - page 34

Page 34
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
in her mind what manner
of salutation this should be.
And the angel said unto her,
Fear not, Mary: for thou hast
found favour with God. And,
behold, thou shalt conceive
in thy womb, and bring forth
a son, and shalt call his name
JESUS. He shall be great,
and shall be called the Son
of the Highest: and the Lord
God shall give unto him the
throne of his father David:
And he shall reign over the
house of Jacob for ever; and
of his kingdom there shall
be no end.” (KJV) It still stirs
me from when I was a young
boy to now a seasoned pas-
tor. Such amazing grace
is this gift just over 2,000
years ago to all humanity!
On a personal note, I, too,
love to see the joy and ex-
citement on my children’s
and grandchildren’s faces as
they anticipate the opening
of their presents under the
tree. It is so heartwarming
to see the glow on people’s
faces this time of the year, to
witness the love and desire
to share with others. This all
gives me hope that people
still care and value Biblical
principles. Yes, Jesus is the
main reason for this season!
Let me return to my opening
statement of my thoughts.
Jesus was born into this
world in a borrowed stable.
He was not born in luxury
and glamour. He was born in
a manger. I read a thought in
the Church of God Evangel
(Cleveland, Tenn.), our de-
nominational magazine, and
it said this well: “As He grew,
Jesus became a missionary
like none other. He did not
just learn the language and
culture of the people He
came to save. Instead, the
Son of God became the Son
of man. Jesus did not simply
sail to a foreign country; He
traveled to a different world.
He did not only preach the
Gospel; He became the living
good news. Jesus left the
heavenly Father, knowing
He would not return to glory
until He suffered and died.”
We read in 1 Timothy 3:16:
“By common confession,
great is the mystery of godli-
ness: He who was revealed
in the flesh, Was vindicated
in the Spirit, Seen by angels,
Proclaimed among the na-
tions, Believed on in the
world, Taken up in glory.”
Enjoy this time of the year
and deepen your under-
standing of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Do your
best to share the message
of Christ, which is hope for
all. Love deeply, smile, laugh
and embrace those around
you with warmth and care.
Be thoughtful and consider-
ate to others. Create special
memories, and for those
who have not experienced
the true meaning of Christ-
mas, Jesus is waiting for you
with welcome arms!
Merry Christmas to all.
Doug Bowers Sr.
LifePointe Church of God
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