2013 Worship Guide - page 37

Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
2013 Worship Guide
Page 37
First Baptist Church of Lincoln
Worship times each Sunday, 10 a.m.
Special emphasis in December on Christmas carols
and the messages found in Isaiah for the church today.
Sunday school, 9 a.m.
– Classes for every age.
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5:45 p.m
– Christmas
program for children. Games, light meal, puppets and
birthday cake for Jesus.
Christmas Eve, 9 p.m
– Candlelight service.
Advent and Christmas schedule for
First Presbyterian Church of Lincoln
Advent vespers: a Saturday night spiritual formation opportunity
Each Saturday night during the season of Advent (Dec.7, 14 and 21), you are invited to par-
ticipate in the communal practice of contemplative waiting. Centered on silence, with readings
from church ancestors, we will gather around an Advent wreath to prayerfully and contempla-
tively ponder that for which we are waiting: the arrival of Emmanuel, God with us. The service
begins at 5 p.m. and will last 45 minutes. Each service will be in Union Chapel inside First Pres-
byterian Church.
“Blue Christmas” service
On Sunday, Dec. 22, at 5 p.m. in the chapel at First Presbyterian Church, you are invited to join
us for a unique worship opportunity. We will reflect on how “The Most Wonderful Time of the
Year” can be painful for many who have lost loved ones or are away from home. Following the
longest night of the year, this service will provide time and space, through readings from Scrip-
ture and song, for God’s people to reflect on the pain this time of the year can invoke, while
also remembering that God is there and that light will soon return.
First Presbyterian Church Christmas cantata
During worship on Dec. 15 at 10 a.m., the choir will present the cantata “All is Well.” Written
by Michael Barrett and David Angerman, it blends traditional carols with some contemporary
Christian selections. The choir will be joined by instrumentalists and narrators to retell the story
of Christ’s birth and remind us of the comfort and joy we have in the miracle of grace. Mark
your calendars and plan to attend this special service of music and praise.
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