Page 28
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily
A wonderful study could take place
on the implications of this short verse
describing the arrival of the Magi. For
instance, the textual implications that
the “child” Jesus was found in a “house”
and that the number of the Magi is never
mentioned could lead to the deconstruc-
tion of the Christmas narrative so that
the implications of tradition, culture and
biblical scholarship could take place. But
this would only serve to take out of fo-
cus the powerful message that the verse
holds for us today.
Instead, we are to listen carefully (as you
reread the above verse) to the distilled
message that the verse so wonderfully
First, we are to journey this Christmas
season to those places that provide us
with an opportunity to worship the one
who has come into the world – that is,
Jesus, the Savior of the world. I would
encourage you to spend time amidst
this season of Christmas in worship.
Sing songs of praise, bend your knee in
prayer, and open your heart to the words
that God has prepared for you by your
minister or priest. Find yourself in your
local parish to share in the power of the
Christmas message. Accept my invita-