2013 Worship Guide - page 20

Page 20
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
woman the same way you
were. Through the blood
and water of childbirth,
Jesus came and breathed the
Earth’s air. This birth would
be a foreshadowing of His
death, as if God set a sign
saying, “Let the birth of my
son show the type of death
he might die.” We know this
for it is written, “But one of
the soldiers pierced his side
with a spear, and at once
there came out blood and
water.” – John 19:34
The Little Lord lay down His
head, no crying He made.
The head that would be
crowned with thorns is a
truly human one. Jesus cried.
Jesus cried because He was
hungry, because He needed
to be fed, because He wanted
to be held so He could nurse.
The Son of God, our Savior,
has experienced everything
you have: hunger, pain, grief,
joy, laughter and fun. He has
redeemed it all and made
you right with God the Fa-
ther. This head that was laid
in straw would be crowned
with thorns. This head that
was laid in straw would be
laid against the wood of a
cross. This baby, as a man,
would cry. He would cry
when His friend Lazarus
died. He would cry out in
pain when nails pierced his
flesh. He would cry out, “My
God, My God, why have you
forsaken me.” – Matthew
27:46 He would cry out, “It is fin-
ished!” – John 19:30
Sin would be paid for and Je-
sus would be laid down once
again, on stone, in a tomb.
But He would not stay there.
Jesus would rise again, victo-
rious over Satan and death.
As He now lives, so, too, will
those who trust in Him for
forgiveness and salvation be
So the prayer of this cradle-
song goes on: Lord Jesus,
stay by my cradle.
Your cradle is the church.
Not the wood and stone of a
building, but the church uni-
versal, where Jesus’ Word of
salvation is proclaimed. Your
cradle is the church, where
baptism is given to you as
God’s gift, washing you
from the stain of sin; the
church where Christ’s body
and blood is given you in
the Sacrament of the Altar,
for forgiveness and for the
strengthening of your faith.
Truly Jesus is not just in
heaven; He fills heaven and
earth, defending and pro-
tecting His church and His
people until He returns in
glory. When Jesus returns in
glory, He will call us all forth,
both the living and the dead,
and we who believe in and
trust in Him for forgiveness
will live forever in eternal
life. Now when you sit on Christ-
mas Eve and listen to the
little ones, and you strain to
see your child or grandchild
sing, pray also. Repent of
your sin, ask for God’s for-
giveness and receive that
forgiveness as the gift
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