Page 12
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily
space for students to recreate. I have to
admit I was very impressed!
But before we were permitted to wander
around, we had to pass by a reception
desk where a young attendant asked us
for identification. My brother-in-law duti-
fully produced his ID and told the hostess
that we were with him, and we proceeded
on our tour.
Now I know this will sound irrational,
since a 20-ish student would have no rea-
son whatsoever to have any idea who in
the world I am, but I felt strangely slighted
at her request for proof that I belonged
there. I, who once carried a set of keys
that would open almost every door on
campus, was being detained by a kid who
didn’t know me from Adam.
I was thinking like this: “Who am I? You
should know. I probably tiled your floor. I
may have replaced your kitchen counter-
top. Who am I? I helped put up the iron
fence that surrounds your park-like cam-
pus. Who am I? How could you ask such
a question when I am quite possibly the
one who assembled your bunk bed? I may
have repaired the seat you occupy in the
auditorium where your sociology class