2013 Worship Guide - page 14

Page 14
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
grow the food for your table, and the
One who knit you together in your
mother’s womb. How could you not
recognize the One who numbers your
follicles and carves the great canyons
of this world and will love you to My
dying day — and beyond? I’m right
here!” But they kept asking Him for His cre-
dentials. So do we. Songwriter Robert
MacGimsley got it right:
Sweet little Jesus boy
They made you be born in a manger
Sweet little holy child
We didn’t know who you were
Didn’t know you’d come to save us, Lord
To take our sins away
Our eyes were blind, we could not see
We didn’t know who you were
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You
can know Him, love Him and celebrate
Him this season! I’m pretty sure these
are the best gifts you could give Jesus
this Christmas!
Pastor Greg Wooten
Lincoln Church of the Nazarene
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