2013 Worship Guide - page 13

Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
2013 Worship Guide
Page 13
Who am I?!? Instead of asking me such a
stupid question, you should be thanking
me for my part in making comfortable sur-
roundings for you!”
Like I said, totally irrational, right? In my
defense, it was only a fleeting thought, but
it left an impression worth reflecting on at
this time of year because the season is once
again upon us.
The church calls it the season of Advent.
Some choose to call it the Christmas season.
Others just say the holidays are approach-
ing. Whatever you call it, the truth is that
all those years ago, a pure young woman
became a miracle mother to the very Son of
God Himself.
As Jesus grew and became self-aware, I
wonder if He had moments like mine, only
with good reason. When He was belittled
as an illegitimate child or falsely accused
of violating the law or misunderstood for
the compassion He showed to poor sinners
(like us), do you suppose He ever thought:
“Don’t you recognize me? I’m the One who
made the stars over your head. Don’t you
know Me? I’m the One who gave the birds
their voice, the One who sends the rain to
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