2013 Worship Guide - page 24

Page 24
2013 Worship Guide
Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
Faith Assembly of God
The supernatural and
the Christmas story
Luke 2:35-38, NKJV:
And the angel an-
swered and said
to her, “The Holy
Spirit will come
upon you, and the
power of the High-
est will overshadow
you; therefore, also,
that Holy One who
is to be born will
be called the Son of
God. Now indeed,
Elizabeth your rela-
tive has also conceived a son in her old
age; and this is now the sixth month for
her who was called barren. For with God
nothing will be impossible.”
Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant
of the Lord! Let it be to me according to
your word.” And the angel departed from
her. ___ I believe in a supernatural God who loves
to interact with His children in supernat-
ural ways!
Christmas is a story of exactly that – mir-
acles! It’s the supernatural involvement
of a radical, loving Father God mixing
with His creation
in a beautiful, won-
derful way to bring
to earth Jesus the
Messiah. From an-
gels to dreams, and
from Magi follow-
ing stars to shep-
herds hearing the
host of heaven, the
coming of the Son
of God was nothing
short of supernatu-
This little passage from Luke is no less
supernatural. The Holy Spirit was prom-
ised by the angel to “overshadow” Mary,
a young virgin teenager, and she would
carry the Son of the Living God. It was
miraculous. It was supernatural.
And then, the angel makes a statement
that is absolutely astounding – “For with
God, nothing will be impossible!”
We all know from the rest of the story
that the events unfolded just as the angel
But I believe that this promise was not
just for Mary. “With God, nothing is im-
possible!” I believe that this promise is
for you and me right here in Lincoln, Ill.
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