2013 Worship Guide - page 39

Supplement to Lincoln Daily News.com
2013 Worship Guide
Page 39
Hartsburg United
Methodist Church
Advent services
will be during regular
service times. Services are on Sunday
mornings at 9:30.
The Christmas Eve candlelight service
will be on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 6 p.m.
The service is unique, with the children
and grandchildren of church members
taking a huge part by singing, reciting po-
etry and playing their instruments. Pastor
Tami Werschey-Kessinger will provide a
short “Youthful Moments” presentation to
the youth in attendance, and the service
will end with goodie bags being given to
the youth (and some adults).
First Baptist Church of
Worship times each Sunday
10:00 AM.
Special emphasis on Christmas carols
and the messages found in Isaiah for the
Church today in December.
Sunday School 9:00 AM.
Classes for
every age.
Wednesday, December 11th
- Christmas
Program for Children, 5:45 pm - Games,
light meal, puppets, and birthday cake for
Tuesday, December 24
- Christmas Eve
9:00 PM Candlelight service
Lincoln First United Methodist Church
December 24
- Christmas Eve Worship Services 6:30 p.m. & 11:00 p.m.
Candlelight Services Communion will be observed at both services. Call for more
information 217-732-2204.
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