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2017 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily News Wednesday, February 15, 2017
The class also loves to take part in a good old fashion potluck several times a
year at the Lincoln Park District. We normally celebrate the anniversary of their
class in March, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is a wonderful time of
fellowship and food!
The Lincoln Park District offers membership discounts to seniors, active military
and veterans. We also accept Silver Sneaker members. The Fit For Senior’s Class,
along with all of our other group fitness classes are included with your Park District
and Silver Sneaker memberships.
I am so very proud of each and
every one of the participants who
attend this class. It is a pleasure and
privilege to work with them each
week. We have become quite the
family during the past nine years.
Some days it doesn’t even seem
like we are working out because
we have so much fun together. But
I will tell you, they all work very
hard and come rain, sleet or snow,
they show up for their class!