2017 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily News Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Page 13
The Fit for Senior’s group fitness class will
celebrate nine years together this March. I
designed the class for patrons 60 and over who
wanted to focus on increasing mobility, flexibility,
balance, muscular strength and endurance,
functional fitness and overall wellness. The class
began with a steady 6-8 participants and met a
couple times a week.
As soon as the word got out about how enjoyable
and rewarding the class was to those participating,
the class continued to grow more than I ever
could imagine I decided to add an additional
class to the schedule focusing more on light
strength and balance. Soon, the classes were so
large, at one point there were close to 50 members
in the aerobic studio during one class! The class
now meets four times a week and averages 25-35
participants a day. We offer a variety of classes
which include Light Cardio, a Stretch, Flex &
Balance and Strength.
Each class is set to fun, motivating music with
a very low key “go at your own pace” kind of
theme. Always concentrating on safety, proper
form and technique. The age group of this class
ranges from 60’s up to 90! Those who attend this
class have so much fun and never cease to amaze
me! They are some of the most cleaver, resilient
and just all around nicest people I know. The
Fit For Senior’s class is so much a part of their
weekly routine now. Many have formed some
very close friendships and the comradery is a
huge part of the class.
Some of the participants have made huge
improvements in their overall personal health.
Such things as increased bone density, lower
triglycerides, better overall mobility, improved
balance and strength are a few of the things they
have shared with me. I love hearing such positive
stories from these wonderful people.
Lincoln Park District’s
Fit For Senior’s Class
Going and Growing
STRONG after 9 Years
By Jacki Pavlik, Fitness Director