2013 Lincoln Daily News Fair Book - page 303

German Sweet Chocolate Cake
by Karen Sandel
Participant in the 2013 Logan
County Fair Cake Classic
4 oz. Baker’s German sweet chocolate
½ cup boiling water
1 cup butter
2 cup sugar
4 egg yolks
1 tsp. vanilla
2 ½ cups cake flour
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 cup buttermilk
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
Melt chocolate in boiling water; cool. Cream
butter and sugar until fluffy. Add yolks,
beating well after each. Blend in vanilla and
Sift flour with soda and salt. Add dry mixture
alternately with buttermilk, mixing well after
each addition. Fold in beaten egg whites.
Pour into 3 prepared cake pans. Bake at
350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes.
3 egg yolks
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1 Tbsp. butter
1 ½ cups flaked coconut
1 cup chopped pecans
1 tsp. vanilla
Beat eggs, milk, sugar and butter. Cook
over medium heat for about 12 minutes,
stirring until mixture thickens. Remove from
heat; add coconut, pecans and vanilla. Beat
until cool and of spreading consistency.
Frost between layers, top and sides.
2013 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com July 30, 2013 page 303
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