2013 Lincoln Daily News Fair Book - page 300

Angel Food Cake
by Rebekah Crider
3rd place in the 2013 Logan County
Fair Cake Classic
1 ½ cups sifted powdered sugar
1 cup sifted cake flour
1 ½ cups egg whites (11 or 12 large eggs)
1 ½ tsp. cream of tartar
¼ tsp. salt
1 ½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup granulated sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Sift together
powered sugar and cake flour, repeating sift 2-3
times. Set aside. In a large mixer bowl beat egg
whites, cream of tartar, vanilla and ¼ tsp. of salt
at medium speed until soft peaks form. Gradually
add granulated sugar, about 2 Tbsp. at a time.
Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Sift about
¼ of the flour mixture over whites; fold in lightly
by hand. Repeat, folding in remaining flour mix-
ture by fourths. Turn into an ungreased 10” tube
pan. Bake at lowest rack in oven about 40 min-
utes, or until done. Invert cake in pan, cool com-
pletely. Loosen cake from pan, remove.
Marshmallow Cream Icing
1 1/3 stick margarine, softened
7 oz. marshmallow cream
1 Tbsp. vanilla
2-3 tsp. milk
5 cups powered sugar
Beat butter and marshmallow cream till smooth.
Add liquids and mix well. Beat in powered sugar.
page 300 2013 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com July 30, 2013
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