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2016 Worship Guide
December 7, 2016
A Lincoln Daily News Publication
When confronted by Jesus, be He in a manger,
riding on a donkey, or nailed to a cross, every
person is confronted with the question, “Who
is this?”
Is Jesus, for you, an excuse to have a
celebration, the “reason for the season” if you
will. When confronted with Jesus do you see
Him as merely a means to the ends you have in
your mind? Do you see in Jesus a better year,
a better life, a cosmic fountain of wealth and
earthly blessing? Do you consider that you
just might have to die for Him?
Does Jesus bring you a troubled mind? Who
is this? Do you battle Him a bit afraid that
Jesus might just be exactly who He says He is;
God in the flesh. When you meet Him are you
a bit agitated, a bit concerned and troubled in
your mind, even distressed?
It is Christmas and that is much more than
baby Jesus birthday. Come look upon Jesus
through the words of the Bible and see Him.
Come and see that Jesus is God in the flesh,
look and see that He has come to you.
Jesus has come to save the world and repair
our relationship with God the Father. He
has come to make peace. Those who do not
understand Him are, indeed, agitated when
they meet him.
Those who know Him, marvel at and admire
Him. Indeed, they worship Him. He is Jesus,
the Savior sent by the Father.
It is Christmas and indeed we cry out when
seeing the infant in the manger:
“Save us, save us now!
Save us, Son of David! Blessed is He who
comes in the name of the Lord!
Save us, O Lord of heaven, our King!”