NEWS.comJune 21, 2016 Page 89
In memory of Don McKinley
Dennis and Jane Carroll (Three times)
In memory of Annie Laurie McLaughlin ‘Mother’
Judy Ann Hathhorn
In memory of Charles ‘Jake’ McLaughlin ‘Father’
Judy Ann Hathhorn
In support of Joni Marten
“You’re always in our prayers”
Joe and Peg Fitzpatrick and family
In memory of Courtney Maltas
Les and Barb Wood
In support of Cindy Mattson
“Great friend and co-worker”
Debbie Morrow
In support of My family
“Thank you for everything”
Cindy Mattson
In memory of Carlene McCain
“We love and miss you everyday”
The Thompson and McCain families
In memory of John McCain
“We love and miss you everyday”
The Thompson and McCain families
In memory of Tim McGee
Ed and Jan Eskia
In memory of George P. Martin, Jr.
“Forever in our hearts”
Cheryl Jones
In honor of Tammy Matson
Charron’s Auto Repair
In support of Mike Mattson
“My husband, my everything”
Cindy Mattson
In memory of Larry Medaris
Penny Fricke
In memory of Randy Menzel
Sandy Wilmert
In memory of Richard Meredith
Lula McConnaughay
In memory of Ruby Meredith
Lula McConnaughay
In memory of Jane E. Mickelson
“Rest in Peace my Lady Jane”
Thomas P. Mickelson
In honor of Donna Miles
“Love You!!”
Ed and Jan Eskra
In honor of Donna Miles
Dale, Sarah, Shelby and Ashley Lessen
In honor of Donna Miles
Mike and Maryanne Jenner
In honor of Donna Miles
Emily Kohl
In honor of Donna Miles
Herman and Alice Geriets
Honor and Appreciation:
Donna Miles
Carolyn McMath
In honor of Donna Miles
Fran Petersen
In honor of Donna Miles
Jim and Teresa Phelan
In honor of Donna Miles
In honor of Donna Miles
The Shay families
In honor of Donna Miles
“AWarrior forever and forever my friend”
Carolyn and Jim Greger