NEWS.comJune 21, 2016
In memory of Jeff Jacobs
Mary Williams
In memory of Larry James
“We still miss you and will always love you.”
Jennifer Bailey
In support of Chiquetta Jameson
Wanda Rohlfs
In honor of Beth Janssen
Dale, Sarah, Shelby and Ashley Lessen
In memory of Nora Janssen
Stacie Skelton and family
In honor of Ron Janssen
Bonnie Janssen
In memory of Johnnie Jario
Lincoln Emblem Club #433
In memory of Lisa Shepherd - Jenkins ‘Niece’
Rosemary R. Rogers
In memory of Beverly Johnson
Tami Goodrich
In memory of Maralee Johnson
Ruth Kapik
In memory of Versa Johnson
Sandy Johnson
In memory of Wilford Johnson
Sandy Johnson
In memory of Barbara Jones
Brenda S. Jones
In honor of Carol Jones
“Best Mother-in law ever!”
Kenda Jones
In honor of Kenda Jones
Don, Jan and Anna Sielaff
In appreciation of Kenda Jones
Russell and Mary Steffen
Kenda Jones
Best friend - Diane Blaum
In memory of Louise Jones
Janet L. Scheid
In memory of Ben Joos
“Memory of a hard working, fun father”
Barb Mauhar
In honor of all members receiving treatment
K of C Ladies Auxiliary
In memory of deceased members of the K of C
K of C Auxiliary
In honor of K of C Ladies Auxiliary battling cancer
K of C Ladies Auxiliary
In honor of Julius Kasa
Julius J. Kasa and Ruth Marilyn Kasa
In honor of Marilyn Kasa
Julius J. Kasa and Ruth Marilyn Kasa
In support of Wally Kautz
“Praying for you”
Barbara Stroud-Borth
In honor of Kathleen Keest
Colleen Shelton
In memory of Catherine Kemp
Randy and Deb Bruns
In memory of Janice Kidd
“Love you more”
Becky Kidd
In support of Lela Kiesling
Jeanine Pickering
In memory of Grace Kindermann
Deb Batterton
In memory of Jack Kindred
B. Dale Spore