NEWS.comJune 21, 2016 Page 71
By Angela Reiners
n Thursday, May 12, Washington-Monroe
Elementary School combined three events
that are health and fitness related. The American
Cancer Society’s Relay Recess program was
combined with an Olympic theme for the week.
The Relay Recess was also folded into a year-end
community project for the school’s “Girls on the
Run” chapter that is preparing for a 5K.
Logan County youth are taking the messages
of ‘healthy lifestyles’ into the American Cancer
Society’s Relay For Life as they participated in
the Relay Recess at their schools. “Rockin’ for
a cure” is the theme of the Logan County Relay,
which has a goal of eliminating this disease that
has no boundaries of age.
Events in the Washington Monroe’s Relay Recess
included a “javelin throw” through Olympic rings
made from hula hoops, a ring toss with cones,
and running laps around the blacktop area.
The Girls on the Run had temporary tattoos
for the children and had them sign paper feet
showing support for the Relay. The feet were put
on display in the hallways of the school.
Students in each of the kindergarten through
fifth grade classes at Washington Monroe also
participated in a coin war during the week. The
money raised will be donated to the Relay For
Life fight against cancer.
The school also celebrated Spring Escape, which
is a spirit week with special dress up days and
events. This year’s theme was the Olympics,
since it is a year for the Summer Olympics.
In the afternoon, retired Olympic speedwalker
Deborah Sullivan came to speak to classes as part
of the week’s theme. Sullivan shared stories of
her time in the Olympics. Sullivan said she had
dreamed of being in the Olympics from third
grade on, when she won races against classmates.
Washington-Monroe weaves three health
focused events together - Relay Recess -
Olympic dreams - Girls on the Run
Continued ►