NEWS.comJune 21, 2016
Lincoln College’s Debbie Ackerman said the school was honored
to be the event host. She thanked the event coordinators and
everyone who planned and organized the event since it takes a lot
of work to make it happen.
Logan County Relay for Life Event
Coordinator Cyra Buttell participates in the
relay because she lost her mother to cancer
nearly five years ago. Buttell said, “We are
all here for the same reason. We are here to
fight cancer. During the next several hours,
we will be here on a life changing journey.”
Buttell said, “We will celebrate those who
have battled, remember those who have
lost, and renew our commitment to fight
back against the disease and help end it
once and for all.”
Buttell said some had gone “above and
beyond the call of duty in making this relay a
great experience.” She said to thank them
for the “countless hours they have put in to
make this event what it is. . .dedicating time
and talents to make this an event you will
never forget.”