2016 Home For the Holidays
LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 23, 2016 Page 35
Releford said that baking supplies are also
a nice thing to add this time of year. The
food pantry will take items such as cookie
mixes, brown sugar, powdered sugar, flour,
regular sugar, and more.
The food box doesn’t necessarily have to
be aimed at kids. There are several seniors
who can benefit from this type of gift as
well. For those folks, canned veggies and
canned fruit can be a good gift, along with
canned soups and canned juices.
Other nice things to add might be items
that could be used to prepare a Christmas
dinner. Creamy mushroom soup, canned
green beans, and French fried onions are
all that is needed for a traditional green
bean casserole. Canned yams, or even
fresh sweet potatoes, brown sugar, and a
bag of marshmallows will make up another
holiday dish popular in many households.
And finally, add a bit of holiday joy with a
box of candy canes and a Christmas Card.
As you and your family go through the
process, each day adding an item to the
box from the shopping list, you may begin
to see the joy of giving, the happiness
that comes from opening your heart
and thinking about what you can do for
someone else to make another family
holiday better and brighter than it might
otherwise have been.
Then, when next year comes around, you
may remember that time you spent together
- planning, thinking, decorating, and
delivering the special gift you created for a
You can confer on the needs at the pantry
by calling 217-732-6644. On Christmas
week, the Lincoln/Logan County Food
Pantry will be open on Tuesday morning
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and Thursday
afternoon from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The
pantry is located at 125 N. Logan Street in