2016 Home For the Holidays
LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 23, 2016 Page 33
Remember the story of the Magi, who
brought gifts to the Christ child, or the song
of “Good King Wenceslas” who prepared a
feast for a poor man stranded in the winter
cold. The Magi knew that the Christ Child
was ultimately a gift to all mankind from the
Heavenly Father. But they did not know him
Though he was a stranger, they came bearing
gifts. And, King Wenceslas in the song, did
know the name of the man outside his window,
he only knew that the stranger was cold and
hungry and in need of a gift that the King had
the ability to provide.
According to Rick Releford at the Lincoln/
Logan County Food Pantry, there are
approximately 550 households that are in need
of food each month. Within those households,
there are approximately 2,000 people, and
about 740 of them are children.
At Christmas time, the demand does increase
in no small part due to school-aged children
on break between Christmas and the New Year
as they do not have access to school breakfast
and lunch programs.
Releford says that the food pantry is always
in need of donations, and is always grateful
for the blessings they receive from the
community. Food products are welcome,
and so are cash donations. He explained that
the pantry has access to products from the
Central Illinois Food bank in Springfield, and
can purchase food products for a mere 19
to 20-cents per pound, which is a cost much
lower than what the consumer can purchase
food in any retail store in the area.
This year, maybe it is time to create a new
family tradition, and a new memory of
celebrating Christmas, by giving instead of
Start by bringing everyone together and
talking about the need for food in the world,
and what we as individuals can do to help. It
doesn’t have to be a big grand gesture, small