2016 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine
Lincoln Daily
News.comMarch 24, 2016 13
[Chart from Farmdoc Daily]
In the article, the authors provide a visual that
demonstrates that over the three-year period ethanol
was consistently less costly than the chemical
compounds. What should also be noted on the chart
is that in November of 2013, Benzene was the most
expensive aromatic at well above $5 per gallon.
Since that time, the price of all the aromatics has
fallen and in January of this year were at their lowest.
Even so, ethanol is still about half-price to the three
So, is it possible to conclude this article with an
optimistic view? Let’s compare ourselves in 2015 to
ourselves in the 1970’s and 80’s, rough, rough years
for farming. Most of us came through then, and most
of us will come through this as well. Let us hope
for higher demand, higher yields, and higher prices,
lower input costs, and we’ll get by just fine!
By Nila Smith
Purdue Agricultural Economics Report
Outlook for the Agricultural Economy in 2016
Farm and Ranch Country
Logan County Farmer Bill Graff
123 – Strong Dollar, Cheap Oil &
Farm Economy
Renewable Fuels Association
Ethanol Exports Surge in December;
DDGS Exports Set New Annual
By Geoff Cooper in E-blog Posted
February 8, 2016
Farmdoc Daily
February 8, 2016 - Weekly Outlook: Exports of
Ethanol and Distillers’ Grains Remain Strong
By Darrel Good Department of Agricultural and
Consumer Economics - University of Illinois
Farmdoc Daily
February 3, 2016 - The Competitive Position of
Ethanol as an Octane Enhancer
Scott Irwin and Darrel Good
Department of Agricultural and Consumer
Economics - University of Illinois