2017 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily News Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Page 7
So, how do we turn our intentions into action
and past failures into future success?
know that you are going to fail.
There are going to be times that
you miss exercising or eat a giant piece of
chocolate cake. But even multiple failures does
not mean the goal is unobtainable or unworthy
of the effort. Give yourself a break and forget it.
Give your heart and body a break by continuing
to work towards a healthier, more active life.
Creating a pattern of routine exercise and
leading an active lifestyle can improve overall
health and play an important role in weight
Healthier choices and lifestyle habits can lead
to increased energy, improved mood, and
increased self-esteem.
Daily exercise reduces the risk of heart attack,
breast cancer, osteoporosis, insomnia, high
blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It’s worth
ways to stay active this year
Mark Craig, Exercise Physiologist at
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Many of us vow to lose weight or “be
healthier” with the beginning of each
new year. Often, that is where our
efforts end. Others begin the year with
the best of intentions exercising and
“eating right” but have typically fallen
back into their old habits by February
and silently give up the fight for another