2016 Worship Guide
December 7, 2016
A Lincoln Daily News Publication
Page 27
of sin. And because of His great love for us
He could not stay where He was. He came
down to earth to be with us in our pain – to
pick us up and to help us to the finish line.
Could you use a little of that kind of
help in your life?
Read Luke 2:1-7
and be reminded that
at Christmas God came down to put
His arm around your shoulder and help
you to the finish line. Whatever your
situation – whether you are hurting from
the loss of a loved one, struggling from
a broken relationship, or frustrated that
life hasn’t gone your way – remember
God loves you and whispers in your
ear, “We started this race together; we’ll
finish it together.”
Merry Christmas – and joy to the world
because the Lord has come.