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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016 Page 239

Logan County Fair Tractor Pull


hen the LDN Foodie goes to the fair,

he admits that his real purpose is to eat.

Around the fairgrounds, there are plenty

of places to grab a bite, then sit a spell in one of the

many picnic tables or benches located around the


However, once in a while, something going on in the

grandstand catches his eye. On Thursday evening

that “something” was the Logan County Fair Tractor

Pulls. While he munched on his Culler’s Fries and

sipped iced Tea from the Country Fryer, Foodie also

grabbed a few shots of the Antique Tractor Pull.

The Antique Class was just one of several that

took place on Thursday evening. With a full

tummy, Foodie took in the older, slower paced

yet still powerful old tractors as they pulled the

sled down the track.

Later in the evening, the show would move on to

other classes, such as the Super Stock, 2-wheel

drive, Classic, and Pro Farm. With each class

the roar of the tractors got a little louder, the

smoke from the exhaust got a little blacker, and

the rumble of the earth moved the seats of the

grandstand, maybe causing Foodie to think it

best that he take his slightly overstuffed tummy

on home for the night.

By Derek Hurley