2014 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com July 31, 2014 page 5
Daniel Crider was the
next one up. Daniel was
among the youngest
participants and after he
was finished, admitted
he was a bit nervous
about his presentation.
His demonstration was
on how to make your
own Instant Mexican
Cocoa Mix.
Daniel talked about the
variation to the basic
recipe. Making the mix
‘Mexican” involved
incorporating cinnamon into the mix. He discussed
measuring techniques and shared that when measuring
using a cup, it is wise to use a knife to level the
ingredients at the top of the cup.
He spoke about the health benefits of cocoa used in
his recipe saying cocoa is lower in
fat content than prepared chocolate
and contains anti-oxidants that help
prevent cancer. He also shared that
cocoa comes from beans grown on
trees in the rain forest. In addition,
Daniel shared that cinnamon has been
used as a medicine for centuries, will
help lower blood sugar for diabetics,
reduces cholesterol, and helps fight
fungal infections.
At the end of his presentation, Daniel
served prepared drinks to Grunder
and Huffer and was awarded a blue
ribbon. Grunder commented on the
presentation that Daniel had done a very nice job. She
said he had been engaging and fun to watch.
The ingredients in Daniels mix included non-fat dry
milk, cocoa, sugar and cinnamon.
The next blue ribbon went to Mary Carlock and her easy fresh salsa.
Mary’s recipe included tomato, onion, cilantro, sugar and vinegar.
Mary brought her onion pre-diced but demonstrated the proper cut-
ting for a diced tomato. She also gave instruction on how to chop the
cilantro and warned that one should be careful not to start with too big
a batch when chopping.
She explained that because the salsa is best if allowed to sit for at least
an hour, she had brought one batch she made at home for the judge to
sample. Mary served the salsa with tortilla chips.
Grunder praised Molly for offering good advice on chopping the
cilantro and said she had done a very good job with her demonstration.
Daniel Crider
Mary Carlock