Daily headlines
October 2013
City marks 2 properties for fast-track demolition
Courthouse elevator unavailable through Friday
Park district Halloween party brings in the crowds
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Album 4 | Album 5 | Album 6
Album 7 | Album 8 | Album 9
Mount Pulaski Courthouse gives back to the community through a Halloween party -- album
Book signing Saturday for 2nd novel by Morris
Lincoln College hosts Trivia Night on Nov. 7
LCGHS annual meeting Nov. 18
Library notes
County meeting minutes:
Adjourned board, Aug. 20
Waste management, Aug. 21
Special feature from the 2013 Farm Outlook magazine
What do the trends
tell about cash rent vs. share rent?
By Derek Hurley
Federal government cuts funding for food assistance program in Illinois
Just in time for Halloween ... Miller Park Zoo puts bats on exhibit
Lincoln Heritage Committee of DeWitt County to host a traditional Thanksgiving dinner
Birth: Liam Vincent Boyd
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
Lady Railers take out Jacksonville Routt 121-55
LC volleyball results
AP news
City zoning board to hold public meeting tonight (PDF)
Community invited to celebrate fall this weekend at Christian Village
LCU to host US women’s soccer film during regional NCCAA tournament
New Holland-Middletown 1st-quarter honor roll
Midwest Central expanding communication efforts
County meeting minutes:
Airport and farm, Aug. 5
Road and bridge, Aug. 5
Special feature from the 2013 Farm Outlook magazine
Costs grew and income shrank for producers in
By Jim Youngquist
State regulators warn that colored contact lenses could be dangerous this Halloween
Letter: Connie Drake benefit thank-you
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
AP news
Lincoln College presents 'Rumors'
Lincoln man competes for chance at 'Voice of McDonald's' title
Mount Pulaski High School 1st-quarter honor roll
County meeting minutes:
Planning and zoning, May 1
Special feature from the 2013 Farm Outlook magazine
What about the weather?
By Jan Youngquist
Don't be tricked into driving drunk this Halloween
Stroke -- the leading cause of disability in Illinois and the U.S.
Feast your eyes on Victorian Thanksgiving at David Davis Mansion
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
WLB Lady Wolverine weekly recap
LC women's soccer results
LCU women's soccer wins regular-season finale
LCU volleyball splits over weekend
AP news
Saturday a beautiful day for a beautiful event: the 30th Harvest of Talents for World Hunger
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3 | Album 4
Ghosts, goblins and green globs of goo invade downtown Lincoln
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3 | Album 4
Album 5 | Album 6 | Album 7 | Album 8
WLNX-FM 88.9 at Lincoln College adopts new music format
Ludolph named ALMH October Employee of the Month
Special feature from the 2013 Farm Outlook magazine
2013 year in review
By John
Red Cross offers tips for a safe, yet spooky Halloween
Intricate art celebrated at Vachel Lindsay Home
Recalls announced
Police reports
LC men's soccer results
LC volleyball results
Logan Lanes: Friday Night Mixed
Redbirds stay perfect at home, defeat Coyotes 28-14
AP news
Keeping millennials in the community
Schultz and Lindvahl discuss a new generation of entrepreneurs
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary to host quarter auction for the Oasis on Nov. 1
Carroll Catholic 1st-quarter honor roll
West Lincoln-Broadwell 1st-quarter honor roll
Red Cross invites eligible donors to give blood in honor of military members, veterans
How to reduce the biggest expense of your life: taxes
On Lincoln's Mind: The ethics of recruiting black troops
Home Country: Why hunt deer? Go figure
Railers come up short in a hard-fought final game of the season
By Scott Kirby
LC cross country Region 24 results
LC volleyball results
'Dr. J' Johnson dies at 73
AP news
Chris J. Graue wins national recognition at dealer convention for community service and industry accomplishments
New Holland-Middletown School receives $20,000 grant from Monsanto
Album 1 | Album 2
Peoria and Springfield tie record for earliest snow
A sneak peek at this year's Harvest of Talents -- album
Mount Pulaski Grade School 1st-quarter honor roll
YMCA notes
IDOT announces public webinars to help plan future transportation program
Engagement: Hyde-Harnacke
Avalynne Suzanne Agee
Jaymason Wade Gene Baker
JayLee Isabella Burrell
Bradley Luis Swart
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
AP news
Tourism returns to business as usual
City of Lincoln fall cleanup schedules: landfill hours and leaf pickup days
Head Start recruitment for Logan County going on now
Column: Frost, peonies, raspberries
and roses
By John
Flu facts
From the
Logan County Department of Public Health
Be cyber smart. Stay cyber secure
IEMA hosts summit to help workplaces, schools, campuses and government facilities prevent violence
Students nationwide can celebrate historic speech
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
Logan Lanes: Jay Bird League
AP news
Help Mount Pulaski High School win $100,000 by committing to being a safe driver
Jordan Taylor is the Mount Pulaski Senior-of-the-Month
Lions Club offers free hearing screening today
Registration still going on for Junior Railer basketball
Department of Energy's National Science Bowl registration now open
Federal workers must repay unemployment benefits
'I Am Obamacare' (Small Town Attorney)
Department of Insurance monthly disciplinary report now available online
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LC cross country results
LC men's soccer results
Registration still going on for Junior Railer basketball
AP news
Development partnership announces resignation of director Brian Bergen
Appellate court upholds Cline conviction (PDF)
Lukas Morgan rides to school in a fire truck -- album
Rain, cooler-than-normal temps for next few days
Last art exhibit of the year, 'Autumn Impressions,' makes colorful splash
Album 1 | Album 2
Lincoln College to honor inaugural Athletic Hall of Fame class at banquet
Pretty poison: Coping with poison ivy
Diversified Crop Insurance Services announces new assistant national accounts manager, Dan Bernhardt
U of I news: Gates named special visiting researcher to Brazil
Illinois historic sites offer writing workshops
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LCU volleyball wins 1 of 4 on weekend
Logan Lanes: Sunday Night Mixed
AP news
Oasis purchases Rusty's Clubhouse, sells downtown building to MMIL
County sets budget for display
New Lincoln Historic District approved for downtown
Frost advisory
for Tuesday morning
(National Weather
A chilly day brings in the crowds at Germanfest
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3 | Album 4
Lincoln Christian Church celebrates 30 years of Harvest of Talents this Saturday
Brenda Chapman plays to full house at Lincoln College
Essays inspired by Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
New Beginnings Thrift Shoppe is the Chamber Business of the Week
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LC volleyball results
Logan Lanes:
Friday Night Mixed
Explosive 1st half leads Redbirds to 55-14 win over Sycamores
AP news
Students learn about Lincoln -- the president and the town -- while raising funds for a good cause
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Cyclists against child abuse make pit stop at Anytime Fitness today at noon
Lincoln Public Library hosts Child ID Day
Album 1 | Album 2
Volley for the Cure brings in $2,474 for Michael Stauffer
Album 1 | Album 2
Local 4-H'er participates in national
dairy judging contest
Illinois team finishes 12th nationwide
Mighty Strong Girls to host Halloween alternative event in Petersburg
Concordia University Chicago choir to perform in Minier
Tickets on sale for Memorial's Festival of Trees Gala
Slim Randles' Home Country: Here's the deal on salt
Rockets down Railers
By Scott Kirby
Volley for the Cure brings in $2,474 for Michael Stauffer
Album 1 | Album 2
Logan Lanes: Logan Lassies
AP news
City Briefs: Utility tax revenues and bond top discussions
Square Talk
prepares owners on all aspects of good business
Preparing for transfer, sale or closure
Tater salad day at St. John's brings in a whole lot of peelers -- album
Chamber's YPN hosts event to discover ways to tap potential of our young people
Mission Mart launches refocused Thanksgiving initiative in Lincoln
Palms Grill to close
temporarily in search of new manager
stepping down due to illness
Logan County sales tax payment received for schools
Division of Professional Regulation's new license report now available online
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
WLB Lady Wolverine weekly recap
AP news
New position decided and expected to aid county
County finance committee and board finagle line items to fit budget
Comcast to close local office
Country Financial expresses appreciation to local first responders -- album
Police arrest Lincoln man for Bloomington bank robbery
Castle Manor & St. Clara's Manor lend support to Germanfest
Community says 'Yes!' to keeping Arlee open
Vintage Fare closing due to building safety concerns
2 LCU employees receive promotions
Mount Pulaski girls will 'Volley for the Cure' tonight
Illinois EPA announces criminal indictments for alleged fraud scheme
State health department program receives national recognition
Police reports
Mount Pulaski girls will 'Volley for the Cure' tonight
LCHS swim team takes 2nd in quad meet
LC men's soccer results
LC women's soccer results
LCU takes 2nd win over Mount Mary
Logan Lanes: Jay Bird League
Fans get 1st glimpse of 2013-14 ISU basketball teams at Hoopfest
AP news
LCU announces search for new president
Porter Schwantz goes to school in a fire truck -- album
Logan County sheriff seeks info on attempted abduction
3rd annual Moving Forward 5K results
24th Land of Lincoln Honor Flight takes place next week
Book Look: 'Breaking Beautiful'
Halloween activities
Medicare annual
open enrollment period underway
Department on Aging offers
free counseling on Medicare plans
Ghostly fun comes to Lincoln Presidential Museum
Rio Grande Restaurant is the Chamber Business of the Week
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
AP news
LCU President Keith Ray announces retirement
United Way tailgates toward $130,000 goal
Album 1 | Album 2
Chevy test drive fundraiser nets $1,000 for city fire department -- album
Partnership night golf outing sees increase over last year
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Behind the Scenes returns to Atlanta Public Library beginning Oct. 25
U of I Extension offers weather observation classes in Springfield
Free online climate data system available by registration
Outdoors with Babe Winkelman: Luck be a crappie tonight!
Information on concealed carry signage released by Illinois State Police
Annual meeting of Senior Services of Central Illinois
'Autumn Celebration' at Sugar Grove Nature Center
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LCU men's and women's soccer drop to Faith Baptist
LCU volleyball falls to Augustana
Logan Lanes:
Friday Night Mixed
Sunday Night Mixed
AP news
Appeal in legal limbo on rezoning to allow limestone mining
A beautiful fall morning for 3rd annual Moving Forward 5K Run/Walk
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
YMCA youth soccer scores a generous donation from Graue Chevrolet
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Mill cruise-in gives visitors an opportunity to reminisce
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Logan County Arts presents 'Autumn Impressions'
Logan County 4-H hosts ‘Find Out Party’ Saturday
Mount Pulaski leaf collection schedule (PDF)
Wayne Ackerman to retire from ALMH
Lincoln Youth Wrestling sign-up meeting Saturday (PDF)
Illinois off-highway vehicle usage stamps to expand public-access trails in Illinois
5 smart financial tips for young people
Lincoln Presidential Library looks back at successes and failures of Illinois Gov. Kerner
Fire and rescue reports
AP news
Library and city police sponsor Child ID Day Thursday
October is Head Start Awareness Month
Elkhart Historical Society offers 2nd opportunity on sold-out dinner lecture
Join the 6th annual Lincoln College Holiday Shopping Trip on Nov. 2
Youth to honor veterans from St. John United Church of Christ during Nov. 3 service
2013-14 dinner program schedule at Palms Grill
Realtor Dana Hudson participates in Illinois Association Fall Conference
Midwest Central High School FCCLA students make a sweet victory
On Lincoln's Mind: A black soldier demands equal pay
Home Country: No dues, no officers, no meetings
Railers shut out by SHG Cyclones
AP news
Jaycee Haunted House promises more nightmares than lullabies
'Joseph' opens tonight at Lincoln Christian Church
Album 1 | Album 2
Graue Chevrolet and Lincoln Fire Dept. to host 'Help a Hero' test drive Saturday
Logan EMA to host public forum on plan to reduce storm damage
4-H is
preparing youth for the challenges of life
Local clubs observe National
4-H Week
National 4-H Week window display contest results -- album
Illini Central September Student of the Month is Mariah Behrends
Travel to Africa with This Golden Age at the Atlanta Public Library
National MS Society open house in Decatur on Oct. 30
When will the 1st fall frost arrive in Illinois?
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
Logan Lanes: Jay Bird League
AP news
Work continues on Pulaski Street project -- album
Girl Scout troop visits Lincoln Animal Hospital -- album
Enter to win $1,000 for your school and an iPad for the home with Red Ribbon Week's new contest
Katie Hunsley is the Zion Lutheran School October Student of the Month
Brennan and Schwarz join Prairie Engineers
Flu facts
From the
Logan County Department of Public Health
Professional bull riders coming to Delavan arena
September was dry and warm in Illinois
Gov. Quinn and Serve Illinois Commission announce $7.5M federal grant for AmeriCorps
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LC men's soccer results
LC volleyball results
AP news
Northwest 3rd-graders enjoy breakfast at the firehouse
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Album 4 | Album 5 | Album 6
Corbin Lohrenz goes to school in a fire truck -- album
Logan County trailway effort continues; public invited to planning meeting
'All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten' opens Thursday at LCHS
Park district pool delayed to 2015
New Holland Fire Department hosts Toys for Tots Cruise-In this Saturday
Lincoln College's 'Tempest' sets the stage for a great season -- album
Grain industry tour increases Illinois ag exports
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LCU volleyball splits at tri-match
LCU women's soccer wins 2nd in a row
AP news
LYF hosts annual Punt, Pass & Kick competition
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Album 4 | Album 5 | Album 6
Lincoln College Basketball Jamboree this weekend
Red Cross blood drive Oct. 16 at park district
Park district notes
WIC funding in Illinois continues despite federal government shutdown
Illinois celebrates Fire Prevention Week
State opens registration for hydraulic fracturing permit application process
Weatherization training program at U of I earns accreditation
Rock Island latest county to discover destructive, tree-killing beetle
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
Lincoln College Basketball Jamboree this weekend
LC volleyball results
Logan Lanes: Sunday Night Mixed
AP news
Blessing of the animals a tender event
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3 | Album 4
Lincoln Public Library Halloween costume swap
High-speed rail plan extends sidetrack at Elkhart
Gov. Quinn announces $838,000 for renovation work at Lincoln Correctional Center
Secure disposal of paper records and hard drives
Last monthly glass collection for 2013
LCHS College and Career Night on Oct. 17
Voices needed for community cantata
Cyber safety is focus of IEMA preparedness campaign in October
Recalls announced
Visual Ink Productions is the Chamber Business of the Week
Fire and rescue reports
4th-grade Railer defense blanks Clinton
LCU women's soccer runs over Mount Mary
Logan Lanes: Friday Night Mixed
Illinois State secures 35-21 homecoming win over Western Illinois
AP news
Friday afternoon proves to be a beautiful day for a homecoming parade
Album 01 | Album 02 | Album 03
Album 04 | Album 05 | Album 06
Album 07 | Album 08 | Album 09
Album 10 | Album 11 | Album 12
After hip replacement at ALMH, Lincoln man resumes active lifestyle
Perspective: Proposed federal rules could put farmers out of business
From LDN's Fall Home Improvement Magazine
Windows so clean you'll be the first to see ...
On Lincoln's Mind: Grant, Mexico and African-American soldiers
U of I NURail Center receives $1.4M federal grant
Gov. Quinn announces events for 150th anniversary of Gettysburg Address
Home Country: Backhoe demo in the backyard
Outdoors with Babe Winkelman: Islands -- oh, deer!
Home Country: Backyard backhoe artistry
Tornadoes show no
mercy for homecoming weekend
By Scott Kirby
WLB Lady Wolverine weekly recap
LC women's soccer results
Logan Lanes: Jay Bird League
AP news
Community Night at Postville Park brings in crowds and rain clouds
Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3
Bryce Conner goes to school in a city of Lincoln fire truck
Album 1 | Album 2
New features added to St.
John Germanfest
Children's games, 50-50 drawing and bake sale
From LDN's Fall Home Improvement Magazine
Winter birds bring color and drama to the backyard
'College Illinois!' Prepaid Tuition Program enrollment runs through April 30
Grinnell Mutual invites submissions for community grants
Bryson Emmanuel Alley
Easton Carl-Bradley Yarcho
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
Central State 8 Girls Golf Tournament results
LC volleyball results
Steve Leverton to take over Heartland softball head coaching duties
AP news
Blackburn: 'Rumors of layoffs at Lincoln College are exaggerated'
Community Action expands utility assistance enrollment
Local churches to observe World Communion Sunday
Column: Fall leaf management and
pumpkin tips
By John
Rodney Norris takes athletic director position at Midwest Central
Pistol Prep Academy offers ISP-approved concealed carry courses
From LDN's Fall Home Improvement Magazine
Preparing your asphalt drive for winter
State police website lists approved courses for firearms training
'Autumn Celebration' at Sugar Grove Nature Center
Birth: Kenzie Nicole Evans
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
LC volleyball results
AP news
Nobbe Eye Care Center opens in new location
Album 1 | Album 2
Geography, history and technology mesh to create trail fun in Logan County
Arlee Theater hosts 'Dining to go Digital' fundraiser Sunday
Carroll Catholic announces October Students of the Month
Lincoln police arrest suspect in food pantry burglary
Woman's Club prepares for
Operation Santa
Submit names
to a new address this year
From LDN's Fall Home Improvement Magazine
Turn down the thermostat and get cozy this winter
1st day of 'Get Covered Illinois' shows stronger-than-expected interest
urges Illinois residents to be on lookout for
scams in Affordable Care Act rollout
Offers advice on
how to avoid scammers
'Obamacare' scams emerge as new policies take effect
How to keep your health coverage up and costs down
Illinois to receive specialty crop grant funds
Government shutdown: Illinois Farm Service Agency offices closed until further notice
Star of 'Meteorite Men' blazes into central Illinois
August Financial and Professional Regulation disciplinary report now available online
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
AP news
Local food pantry robbed Sunday night
Tuesday afternoon update: Lincoln police arrest suspect in food pantry burglary
Public invited to LCU lectures presented by internationally acclaimed scholar
NH-M staff gives back to community
County meeting minutes:
Waste management, July 17
Adjourned board, Aug. 20
From LDN's Fall Home Improvement Magazine
Honey, does it seem cold in here to you?
From the
National Weather Service, Lincoln
Drought update
Get Covered Illinois launches help desk for state health care program
Government shutdown: Illinois Farm Service Agency offices closed until further notice
Birth: Joseph Carlton Minor
Police reports
Fire and rescue reports
NFL Punt, Pass & Kick contest this weekend
Lincoln Youth Football: Railer defense pitches shutout against Springfield Boomers
LCU men's soccer drops game to Kuyper
LCU women's soccer loses to Maranatha
Logan Lanes: Sunday Night Mixed
No. 24 Redbirds fall 37-10 in MVFC opener at Missouri State
AP news