Daily headlines
September 2004
Downtown parking issues rise again and again
ISU to host presentation on supplement use
Riggins speaking to student-athletes
AARP joins effort for prescription drug importation
2005 Farm Progress Show moves to semi-permanent location near Decatur
Invention Mysteries: What do these inventors have in common?
1830s surveying crew at Lincoln's New Salem this weekend
A rose is a rose, but what about an orchid?
Orchid specialists tell all
Dealing with browning evergreens
Angel volleyball vs. Knox College
County entertains balloon thoughts, approves compliance with standardized disaster plan and offers harvest vehicle permits
Homeland Security assists emergency responders with new National Incident Management System
HUD reverses plan to reduce 'Fair Market
Rents' subsidies
Low-income seniors and
families spared moves
O'Neill announces candidacy for mayor
Wal-Mart and the Illinois Breast & Cervical Cancer Program pair up for a special enrollment session
2005 Farm Progress Show location
Book Look:
'The Care and Display of the American Flag'
'The Everything Groom Book'
'The Worried Child'
'What's Right With Islam'
Oasis update
So far, soooo good!
Lady Railers improve to 18-1. Crucial matches ahead.
By Rick Hobler
LCHS vs. Chatham Glenwood volleyball stats
Illinois State at Indiana State game notes
City finances improving
improvements not far down the road
Poshard announces Health Facilities Board meetings
Blagojevich gives go-ahead to expand
Supportive Living Facility Program
--Action paves way for construction of
3,000 new units
--Supportive living facilities give
seniors, disabled more freedom and offer
less-costly option to nursing homes
'Estrogens and Human Health' symposium
Low grain prices and hogs
Writing club meets Oct. 5
Lynx run in Augustana meet
LC women's weekend soccer
First baseball hitting clinic quickly approaching
September city briefs
Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board to resume activities with new appointments
Mothers of fallen soldiers honored
Engineering geologists gather to share engineering and environmental remediation technologies
IDNR hosts 'Duck School'
Mutterings: Illini, Railers come up
By Jeff Mayfield
Railers lose to Sacred Heart-Griffin: pictures from game
Angel volleyball in Pennsylvania
Lincoln College weekend volleyball
This week in Redbird football
American Cab Company offering 'Service for You'
State sets public hearings on application to HUD for $70 million in annual funds
Letter from Gov. Blagojevich to U.S. Dept. of Education Secretary Rod Paige
Court news
District 44 'Week in Review'
Blessing of the pets
Prairieland Christian Church prepares for Dominican trip
Natural resources news bits
Angel volleyball in Pennsylvania
LC volleyball: Lynx lose to Parkland & Lake Rend
MII fire contained
Illinois' outstanding older workers honored
Chamber breakfast addresses keys to big success in small towns
Illinois beef production costs and returns
District 44 'Week in Review':
Illinois schools and medical malpractice
Six-month report includes memorial brick sales still going on
Creepy crawlies in your house
Illinois State-Florida Atlantic football game postponed
Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn to visit Lincoln for christening re-enactment
Fairchild aircraft reunion comes to Lincoln this weekend
Joe Haning appointed as new fire and police commissioner
State Capitol guard laid to rest
Invention Mysteries: You might be an inventor if...
Book Look: 'Something to Tell the Grandcows'
LC downs Danville in men's soccer
LC women's soccer vs. Parkland
Lincoln-Logan Enterprise Zone extension
helps Sangamon County
New information system
Second worker, 27 total killed in highway construction crashes
Illinois puts bite in highway construction zone awareness: 'Hit a worker, $10,000 fine, 14 years in jail'
ALMH offers free community education on Women's Health & Fitness Day
Oasis update
Angel volleyball vs. Monmouth College
Angel volleyball pictures
LC volleyball picks up win before weekend tourney
Pettineo honored
Enterprise zone extension plan wins city
Adds Sangamon
County and Elkhart to Lincoln-Logan County intergovernmental agreement
New cab service seeks license to serve Lincoln
Jewel-Osco assists Illinois parents and
children in need of health care coverage
Illinois tax booklet
to help families determine eligibility
Artifacts to be sealed in Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library safe viewed
Terrorism risk remains guarded in East
Illinois State Board of Education appoints interim superintendent
Alan Keyes to speak in Lincoln
Railsplitter: An old-fashioned barn-raising in pictures
More pictures from Railsplitter
Pricing decisions
LC volleyball vs. Lewis & Clark
Illinois State at Florida Atlantic game notes
Storm death toll over 40
Southern recovery and
relief efforts begin as floods threaten states as far north as Minnesota
Shelters aid storm victims in six states
California shaking
Carbondale federal building renamed for Sen. Paul Simon
40% drop in holiday traffic deaths
Safest Labor Day in over 20 years
County Commercial Corn Plot results
From John
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news
What, me worry?
By Jeff Mayfield
Lady Railers win round robin at East Peoria
Lincoln College volleyball vs. Black Hawk East
Lynx defeat Valparaiso in third straight shutout
Redbirds' fourth-quarter comeback sinks Panthers
Fantastic temperatures for frolicking at fall festivals
Gov. Blagojevich revives
medical malpractice reform negotiations
Appoints respected mediator and former Chief Judge Donald O'Connell of the
Cook County Circuit Court to restart discussions
Foundation awards more than $45,000 to environmental projects and programs
Illinois Insurance Hotline intended to aid confused consumers
State surplus auction may hold desired treasures
Marriages and dissolutions
Researchers develop improved test for soybean sudden death syndrome
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news
County hears recommendations on technology upgrades and enterprise zone expansion proposal
Illinoisans honored for assisting people with disabilities
Illinois outdoor air quality progress continues
Outdoor weekend fun starts at the Lincoln Depot at 4:45 p.m. Friday
Environment and Nature Training Institute for Conservation Education workshops
LCHS vs. Urbana volleyball stats
Angel volleyball vs. Eureka
Local mutual aid to
go to hurricane-struck South
Devastating hurricanes thwart
Southern recovery efforts
Annual Lincoln re-christening scheduled for
Abraham Lincoln
joined by special guest Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn
Illinois honors America's POWs, MIAs
Illinoisans aiding hurricane victims
Invention Mysteries: More wartime inventions that benefit mankind
Family concert
Lincoln College volleyball vs. Parkland
LC men's soccer vs. Lewis & Clark
Jans joins Redbird basketball staff
Council hears enterprise zone request and is challenged on business practices
New leadership and reform raises board of education accountability
Letter: Mount Pulaski 'no loitering' ordinance to be enforced with discretion
Book Look: '100 Best Books for Children'
Oasis update
Creature unleashed at White Oaks Mall
College volleyball: LC vs. Lincoln Christian JV
LC women's soccer vs. Lewis & Clark
New product aids war on drugs
Gov. Blagojevich calls for voluntary shutdowns of hospital incinerators
What is methamphetamine?
What are the medical complications of methamphetamine abuse?
Illinois joins nation in alcohol and drug treatment focus during Recovery Month
Corn and soybean prices
Endless summer in Illinois and beyond
By Jeff Mayfield
Lynx run in Peoria
Lincoln College weekend golf
Lincoln College soccer vs. Kennedy King
Illinois State vs. Eastern Illinois game notes
And now for
your pest of the week
By John Fulton
Add interest to your container gardens this fall
LCHS wins volleyball tournament in Missouri
Football pictures: Railers vs. Jacksonville
Lincoln College women's soccer at Valparaiso
Redbirds hang tough in loss to Minnesota
This week in Redbird football
Gov. Blagojevich issues proclamation designating September 11 as Patriot Day in Illinois
Gov. Blagojevich proclaims 'Homeland Security Begins at Home Month'
Illinois one of five finalists for national homeland
security award
Comprehensive plan includes
three Weapons of Mass Destruction Teams
2005 ESPN Bracket Buster Saturday news, team capsules and fact sheet
Sept. 11 prayer breakfast
Family Safety Day and blood drive Saturday
Cowboy extraordinaire
'One' is the loneliest number
By Rick Hobler
Lincoln College volleyball at Galesburg
Illinois No. 5 in Slam magazine NCAA preview
College volleyball:
Lincoln Christian vs. Blackburn
Lincoln College vs. Springfield College
Mount Pulaski to discuss loitering issue
Pie in the face raises school funds
Irving awarded JM Abbott & Associates Scholarship
Montgomery awarded Beltchenko Dance Scholarship
Schneider awarded Kiwanis Scholarship
Conrady awarded Logan County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Mayfield's Mutterings:
Railers, Cards, Illini, Redbirds and the Rail cap a LABORious weekend
By Jeff Mayfield
Illinois State vs. Minnesota game notes
Saturday sports reports from Lincoln College
Lynx win cross
country meet, defeat Millikin JV in volleyball, drop women's soccer game
Angels in Aspen tourney in Alaska
Not your typical long, hot summer
State health care coverage expanded
Marriages and dissolutions
Court news
Greetings from afar
Local resident writes from
City stipulations for Art of Wine tent
Kids back to school in style, thanks to backpack project
Church-state topic of three guest lectures at LCCS
Long-term care seminars offered locally via TeleNet
Weapons of mass
Lady Railers improve to 2-0, face serious challenge next
By Rick L. Hobler
Lincoln vs. Morton volleyball stats
LC golfers at Port Byron invitational
LC women's soccer vs. Springfield College
LC volleyball vs. Illinois Valley
Plan that helps Formosa plant rebuild may also bring energy plant
State offers early applications for winter energy assistance
Republican National Convention, Day 3
Invention Mysteries: Without Jerry's invention, movies just wouldn't be the same
MADD chapter meeting
'Hometown Housecall' series begins on WSEC-TV Springfield
Parents offered advanced savings plans during College Savings Month
If it's not all it's cracked up to be, it won't get fixed this year
Southwest region receives half-million-dollar economic boost from state
Highway construction suspended for holiday weekend
Republican National Convention, Day 2
Lincoln College scholarship awards announced
Tungate awarded Xamis Ford-Lincoln-Mercury Scholarship
Davis awarded Gallagher Memorial Scholarship
Hartem graduates awarded Behrends Scholarship
Book Look: 'Occasions,' '7 Tools to Beat Addiction,' 'Career Comeback,' 'Shadow Divers'
Oasis update
Lady Railers
volleyball team survives first-night jitters
By Rick L. Hobler
Lincoln College volleyball vs. Lincoln Land
Introduction to Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention, Day 1
Republican National Convention agenda
LC women's soccer vs. ICC
LC golfers open season at Rend Lake tourney
Lincoln Christian College volleyball preview
Illinois State vs. Saint Xavier game notes
Residents advised to practice practical protection against mosquitoes
Rain fails to wash fun out of art and balloon fest weekend
Lincoln city treasurer's annual report
Law ensures communities offer sufficient
amount of affordable housing
communities found not meeting set standards
Mayfield's Mutterings: St. Louis road warriors continue march
LC men's soccer team wins opener
LC brings home two volleyball wins
Lincoln College women's golf preview
Saturday, Aug. 28:
(Yes, it's Saturday's
Participation in drug programs reduces drug-related crime recidivism
New Illinois
law aims to reduce mercury releases to the environment
Prohibits schools
from purchasing mercury-containing products, bans sales of mercury switches
and relays
Marriages and dissolutions
Court news
City briefs: Roads, roads, traffic signals & signs
Military members who own businesses now protected from unemployment insurance rate hikes if called up
Flood watch in effect
Illinois takes initiative on
women's health issue
Cervical cancer task force
education and early detection will save lives
Illinois seniors urged to reapply for drug coverage
Lincoln College men's golf preview
Lincoln College women's soccer preview
Lincoln College baseball signs Williams from LCHS
Illinois State-Indiana State gridiron start changed
State reacts to 674 percent seized
methamphetamine increase
Common cold
medications and other ingredients go under restriction
Gov. Blagojevich uses amendatory veto power to clear path for more federal Medicaid dollars
Illinois history conference on for Oct. 28-29
Garden color without flowers
Hunting and trapping help control wildlife
Book Look: 'Mayfly'
Oasis update
Lincoln College men's soccer preview
Two tours of historic homes and buildings set for this weekend
Illinois Symphony to perform in Lincoln
Smile, you could be on camera
State takes new measures to increase safety
in highway construction zones
Crop size
Mobile health unit provides school physicals
Natural resources news bits
Lincoln College volleyball preview
Local youth attend FFA Leadership Camp
New slow moving
vehicle emblems required
From John Fulton
Lemonade sweetened by charity