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2016 Home For the Holidays
LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 23, 2016
At left, this tree
adorned with
purple bulbs sits
in the room of
Jo’s 16 year old
son, Seth. Seth
is a junior at
Mount Pulaski
High School.
Jo noted that
when the boys
were little they
all really enjoyed
decorating their
own trees, but
that enthusiasm
has went a little
by the wayside
as they have
gotten older.
Noting that Kinkade has passed on,
Rentmeister said his co-author, Katherine
Spencer, continues the series. Still smiling at
the beautiful winter scene, Rentmeister said,
“I’ll leave that up all winter. I love snow. I
can’t wait. I love snow.”
Finally, gazing out the family room French
doors at the beautiful view out her backyard
that features open fields, trees off in the
distance and even a pond at the far end of the
property, Rentmeister says, “I love to just sit
in here and watch it snow.”
Surrounded by present family and
decorations that remind her of loved ones
past, it’s no wonder the holidays are so
special to the woman who is affectionately
known as “Jo Mama.”