To steadfastly seek and
maintain economic
opportunities for Logan
County with regional strength
Our Lincoln/Logan County Development
Partnership office would like to extend
a Happy New Year to all the people
and organizations we serve: our local
manufacturers, retailers, small business
owners, farmers and others involved
in ag-related businesses, municipal
governments, community organizations,
and private citizens.
We’d also like to thank everyone
who has helped in any way with the
various projects our office has worked
on throughout 2014. It has been a
productive year, and we look forward to
continuing our work in 2015.
Economic development can mean
different things to different people.
It can take different forms and be
measured in different ways. Sometimes
it involves big, new industrial or
business projects. More often than
not, it involves a good deal of detailed
work, extensive research, and network
building designed to create a foundation
for long-term success. Often times, this
latter form of economic development is
not very visible - let alone very exciting
- but it is a valuable investment in our
We only mention this because economic
development is sometimes measured
by how many new, large businesses,
industries, or projects are done in an
area within a given time. It is good,
of course, when something large is
accomplished, but in today’s economic
climate such occurrences are not the
norm. When large projects present
themselves, it’s great, but in the
meantime there is much to be done to
build our county’s economic base.
Looking ahead our office sees
opportunities to continue some of the
grass-roots efforts we began in 2014 and
initiate new ones in the coming year. In
particular we will focus on building upon
the success of the workforce training
program put into place as a result of the
partnership created between our office,
Heartland Community College, the Land
of Lincoln Workforce Alliance, and the
Accelerated Training in Manufacturing
In addition to creating training