2016 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily
News.comTuesday, February 16, 2016 Page 37
2016 Wellness Expo featured valuable
offerings for pre-natal through seniors
At the 2016 Wellness Expo held at the Lincoln Park
District on Saturday, February 20, 2016, those attending
were able to learn about many local resources for a healthy
lifestyle from over 68 exhibitors.
Several exhibitors had resources for senior citizens.
Becky Leamon, left works with Community Action’s
Senior Nutrition Program, which serves people ages 60 and
over. They deliver meals to home and congregate sites over
a wide range of areas in both Mason and Logan Counties.
Leamon said they are always looking for volunteers.
Allison Greenfield works with the Community Care
Program of Senior Services of Central Illinois, Inc. This
program helps seniors stay at home by providing them with
non-medical in-home care services such as cleaning or
Another program that helps people live more independently
is the Illinois Assistive Technology Program, which
provides assistive technology devices to people of all ages
with disabilities. Devices such as communication aids,
vision aids, and computers can help individuals with daily
The Hearing Aid Center provides free hearing tests and
affordable hearing aids. Mandy Cordray said hearing aids
can be reconditioned and when they cannot be used any
longer, people can send them in to get a tax voucher.
At the Community Expo