Oct. 27, 2016
2016 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Magazine
Lincoln Daily News
billion people who need housing, clothing, jobs, and
of course, food. Cities around the world are going
to grow. There will be land taken from the farming
industries for housing, for factories and other
business buildings. The acres of farm ground are
going to shrink with every additional billion added
to the world figure and the demand for food is going
to grow.
So, how can we sustain ourselves and our neighbors,
if we don’t use the best farm practices available?
National Geographic
Here’s what you need to know about the
warming planet, how it’s affecting us, and
what’s at stake.
http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/ environment/global-warming/food-how-altered/MIT Technology Review
Why We Will Need Genetically Modified Foods
Climate change will make it increasingly difficult
to feed the world. Biotech crops will have an
essential role in ensuring that there’s enough to
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/522596/ why-we-will-need-genetically-modified-foods/Wisconsin State Journal
Nancy Kavazanjian: Why I grow genetically
engineered crops
August 2016
http://host.madison.com/wsj/opinion/column/ nancy-kavazanjian-why-i-grow-genetically- engineered-crops/article_e5a56f03-2927-53e1- ae5c-87d1aab20712.htmlOmaha World-Herald
Midlands Voices: Safe GMOs nurture
sustainable farming
By Lisa Lunz Jul 6, 2016
http://www.omaha.com/opinion/midlands- voices-safe-gmos-nurture-sustainable- farming/article_32639583-42d8-50e8-8b41- 4ad06a3a940a.html