Page 22 October 27, 2015
2015 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine
When conditions shorten the season
With the rainy opening of this year's growing
season, farmers were able to slowly shake off
the drought worries of 2012, '13, '14. The
rains were spaced in frequency and amount
favoring the crop producer with more field
workdays and planting opportunity.
Yes, the 2015 season was shaping up with high
expectations until... the faucet just didn't shut
From mid-June to mid-July heavier frequent
rains led to widespread generalized flooding
and kept soils saturated.
What happens to corn and soybeans under
these conditions?
When the plants are submerged in flood water
- foliage may be damaged by debris.
- damaged and submerged foliage is more
susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases.
- submerged foliage is not able to conduct
photosynthesis and any residue (mud) left on
leaves after flooding subsides will reduce the
plant's ability to make its own food.
- According to researchers, corn with six leaf
collars (V6) or more have a greater chance of
There are numerous other factors that will
influence the outcome of crops that receive too
much and too frequent rains as well.
What happens at the soil level
How long can corn or soybeans live in
saturated soil?
In saturated soil, water replaces oxygen in
spaces between soil particles. Roots are
dependent on oxygen for water and nutrient
uptake from the soil. Oxygen is depleted in
saturated soil in 48 hours, but plants may
tolerate four days with not too much damage,
and survive up to seven days if temps stay
under the mid-60 degree range, and the days
are cloudy.
In general, a plant's root development
varies in response to temperature and water
availability in a given soil medium. Under
wetter conditions a plant will develop a finer,
widespread root system that picks up moisture
from the surface and seeks oxygen; versus if
developed under dryer conditions, roots will
be thicker for protection from drying out, and
go deeper to seek water. Deeper roots will
also provide greater plant stability.
This year's crops would have had shallow,
spreading, finer roots develop early in the
In flood or high wind conditions, plants may
even be pushed over. Depending on the size
or maturity of the plant material, degree angle,
and the depth, type and quality of root system,
Just north of Lincoln looking west toward
1250th Ave., Kickapoo Creek raged over
hundreds of acres planted farmland.