2016 Worship Guide
December 7, 2016
A Lincoln Daily News Publication
Page 5
savior: He can solve my problems, protect
me, give absolute proof, and offer an escape
route from life’s messiest problems.
But you know what? Elijah’s ministry did
not achieve the desired results. Despite all
the fireworks, his ministry accomplished
little. People weren’t changed. All his power
made barely a dent in the nations’ faith.
God knew to come in power and force
would not bring genuine change. The only
way to significantly change people is not to
force them from above, but to change them
from below and become servant. He became
one of us, to be with us, and to die for us.
So instead of a lightning bolt, we get a
manger. Instead of a messiah of power, we
get a messiah of service & humility. And
that is real power.