NEWS.COMMarch 1, 2016 Page 21
One other fine school in Logan County, West Lincoln-
Broadwell, provides middle school education to students on the
outer limits of the city and to the west of Lincoln. K through
8th Grade has 170 students with 7th-8th Grade enrollment at
The school is academically progressive participating in IESA
Speech and Scholastic Bowl contests, as well as offering Division
1 sports competitions in volleyball, track, softball, wrestling;
and basketball. The girls basketball and volleyball teams are
regular contenders and winners of a state title in 2006. The
fourth grade girls basketball team won this year’s John Welsh
Tournament. Go Wolverines!
The school encourages students academic progress through
the B.U.G Club. The “Bringing Up Grades” Club recognizes
students for bringing their grades up from the last quarter.
The school hosts regular family fun events and social nights,
February brought families together for the fun fitness and
dance of Zumba. There’s also been trivia and skate nights, a
big Family Fall Festival and other family oriented gatherings
Located at 2695 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln, West Lincoln-
Broadwell School is headed by Superintendent Bailey Climer,
Principal Heather Baker and Athletic Director Kris Skold.
West Lincoln-Broadwell