2016 - 2017 Medical/Health Directory Lincoln Daily News.com
Substance Abuse
Weight Loss
Memorial Weight Loss & Wellness Center at
200 Stahlhut Drive
Lincoln, IL 62656
Memorial Behavior Health
760 S. Postville Drive
Lincoln, IL 62656
Telephone/TTY: 217-735-1413
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Tazwood Mental Health Center
Lincoln Clinic
124-126 Chicago Street
Lincoln, IL 62656
If you know of any corrections to
this directory, or know of an agency
or service that should be included,
please phone 217-737-7418 or email
ads@lincolndailynews.comwith that
information. Thank you.
Health Source
Dr. Frank Adubato, D.C.
714 N/ Logan St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Office: 217-732-1111
Fax: 217-735-2744
fadubato@healthsourcechiro.com www.healthsourceoflincoln.comWeight Loss