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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016
There were two acts in the Senior Division – young
people over 14 and under 22 years of age by October
Danielle is a college
graduate with interests
in Cosmetology,
singing, and exercise.
Performing together
for the first time,
Company of Kings,
took first place in the
Senior Division. They
are a classic rock band
driven with jazz and
folk influences. When
asked how they got together, Brady explained that two
of the guys, Josiah and himself, are music majors at
Lincoln College. They met the other band members
while playing in worship bands and through Lincoln
Community Theatre. All the band members agree that
their favorite thing to do is entertain.
While waiting for the judges to make their decision
about the winners two audience members, Jaden and
Talan, took to the stage to do a little break dancing.
Maybe next year they will compete in the Junior
The winners of each County Fair in Illinois will
compete for the State Title in Springfield on the third
Saturday in January. Alianah, Sophie, and Company
of Kings will be there to represent Logan County.
Company of Kings: Caleb Meador, Tyler O’Rear, Brady Walsh, Josiah Keller, and
Justin Woods.
Danielle Glover