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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016
The Aylesworth kids - Mount Pulaski
The Randy and Kelly Aylesworth family of Mount
Pulaski has been competing in the fair for many years.
Kamryn and Dixon Aylesworth are both part of the
FFA and 4-H in Mount Pulaski.
Kamryn in a beautiful walk/trot at the Open Show
competition on Thursday.
Kamryn, who graduated from Mount Pulaski High
School this year, has won top prizes for horse and
dog showmanship, foods and sewing, and visual
arts. Kamryn has spent a lot of time working with
horses, competing in horse shows during the year, and
winning many ribbons.
Dixon has won visual arts awards for wood and
Their cousins Dustin, Chase, Lukas, and Clay
Aylesworth have also shown livestock over the years,
so the cousins have competed against one another at
The Carter family
The Ed and Carlene Carter family has been involved
in 4-H for 16 years and participated in various open
judging categories for 15 years. All five children,
Elizabeth, Tim, David, James and Miriam have
entered projects in several categories over the years.
The children have participated in 4-H in arts,
woodworking, vegetables, flowers, sewing. At
least one of two also participate in the open textiles.
Carlene said, “We started in 4-H because I was in 4-H
as a teenager and enjoyed it, and as homeschoolers, it
gave the kids an opportunity to learn new skills and
exhibit their work.
Carlene said, “In 4-H at the fair the kids have
competed in visual arts, floriculture, poultry, cats,
dogs, goats, woodworking, vegetables, photography,
and many other miscellaneous Department W
projects. They’ve also competed in cooking, flowers,
vegetables, sewing, a lot of art and photography, and
junior livestock in the open judging.”
Between the five of them they have tried a large cross-
section of projects and all eventually settled into what
they enjoyed most. All the kids really enjoy the art
The kids have learned a lot of skills showing off
their fair projects, especially in getting something
completed, and getting it prepared to its best
advantage. Even
when they were
little, they got a
kick out of being
able to see their art
works displayed
in the art building,
and it was even
better if there was
a ribbon hanging
on it.
Ed mostly has
done photography,
and once baked a
winning cake.