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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016
On top of all that, many of the youth ran
back and forth to the big show barn as the
Beef Show also began at 8 a.m., and most
show more than one animal in each show.
While the temperature wasn’t too bad,
they were working up a good sweat from
moving all those animals.
The day ran smooth and when it came
time for blue ribbons to return to the
ring for the top awards competition, to
the appreciation of all Coers’ ramped up
the announcing excitement with added
fanfare. His enthusiasm helps as youngsters
entering their third hour of bringing out
various animals, many running back and
forth between two different shows, now are
growing a bit weary
As the four-hour competition wound down,
it was now the noon hour. You can bet that
everyone had been up early for chores on
the farm and at the fairground, and then in
place well before the 8 a.m. show began
with their sheep and themselves groomed.
As the show came to an end, the Schreiner
and Coers families had a nice surprise.
They brought in lunch so everyone could
replenish their energy and just stick around
to enjoy visiting one another.
Pam Schreiner said in the years their kids
were showing, they had always talked
about doing this; how nice it would be.
The 4-H families are all there together and
This was the first year the Schreiners, who
raise sheep, didn’t have anyone competing.
The youngest son, Garrett, has swept many
awards in past years, and still qualified
to compete this year, but was working a
summer job. He heads off to college in the
fall in pursuit of a mechanical engineering
degree he intends to use for agriculture.
So, Steve and Pam could finally find time
to prep a meal and bring it to the fair for all
the 4-H families to enjoy.
On the menu were lamb brats, green beans,
and chips.
Steve smoked the brats in apple wood an
hour-and-a-half. They were so popular;
some folks came back for seconds.
Fair President Dean Bruns was seen
carrying three brat sandwiches. Several
others with the fair board and 4-H office
joined the lunch, appreciating the concept
and the hospitality of the families.
Bloomington Meats processed the lamb
brats served.