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2016 Lincoln Balloon Fest
August 30, 2016
n Thursday evening a long-
standing tradition returned to
the Lincoln Balloon Festival.
Symphony of Lincoln hosted its free
family event with food, music, and
games. In 2015 Symphony took a
year off as they were just completing
their remodel work.
This year, the “Balloonfest
Community Kick-off” returned
bigger than ever. Food consisted
of hot dogs, baked beans, chips,
cookies, and drinks. After supper,
everyone was welcome to grab a
free stick of cotton candy or a snow
New this year, there was a larger
offering of kids activities including a
bounce house, a test of strength with
the ring the bell clown, and several
tossing games. Face painting was
also offered again this year.
The Lincoln Fire and Police
Departments were also on hand
with a fire truck and squad car for
everyone to inspect.
Several people, especially younger
families with kids, came out to
enjoy the evening. The evening is a
great time for families of residents
to come out and enjoy some special
outdoor time together. Because
the weather was quite warm, many
sought the shady shelter of the small
trees in front of the facility or shady
spots along the fence or under a tent.
By Nila Smith
Balloonfest Community Kick-off
returns to Symphony of Lincoln