2016 Area Fall Festivals
Lincoln Daily News
September 13, 2016 Page 69
n Saturday afternoon crowds
gathered in downtown
Mount Pulaski to see the
annual Fall Festival Parade. The
event was certainly an audience
pleaser this year with plenty of entries
of fire trucks, antique tractors, floats,
and of course the Mount Pulaski
High School Band.
Retired teacher, Mary Ann Radke,
who is also known in Mount Pulaski
as the “donut lady” for the mini
donuts she sells each year at the
fall festival, was named the Grand
Marshal of the parade.
For the judges who were to rank
the top three entries in the parade,
second and third may have been a
very tough choice, but first place
appeared to be easy.
The community is currently lending
moral support to young Landon
Watkins and his family. Landon
has a benign brain tumor. While
many are relieved that the tumor
is not cancerous, it has still had a
tremendous impact on Landon’s
health. Members of the community
have joined hand-in-hand to support
the family and the youngster, and
when his entry, Team Landon,
topped the hill on Saturday, he was
met with lots of shouts and clapping
from everyone who lined the streets.
(Read more about Landon in today’s
edition of LDN: Mount Pulaski High
School vs Springfield Lutheran soccer
game dedicated as “Team Landon”
At the end of the parade, the
announcer said that the judges had
followed their hearts, and the heart
of the community in awarding Team
Landon the first place position for
their entry.
Coming in second and third
respectively were Moochelles Kid
Kare, and Girl Scout Troop 1070. The
decision surely had to have been a
coin toss for the judges, as both floats
were filled with happy youngsters,
and colorful decorations that really
caught the attention of everyone.
Other notable floats were the
Mount Pulaski FFA float, the FOP
barrel train, and the Christmas at
the Courthouse float entry from
the Mount Pulaski Courthouse
Foundation, and the Revive Latham
An additional float that was very
popular because of who was on it
was the Mount Pulaski Junior High
Baseball Team, who recently won the
county tournament.
The Mount Pulaski High School
Band and cheerleaders put on an
outstanding performance in front
of the judges, and the Little Miss
Mount Pulaski, Junior Miss Mount
Pulaski, and Cutest Little Farmer also
impressed everyone with their smiles
and waves.
Team Landon wins top
honors at Mount Pulaski
Fall Festival Parade