2015 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com August 2-9, 2015 page 5
4-H Food, Nutrition
& Health Show Results
4-H Foods & Health
State Fair Delegates
& Alternates - Front –
Miranda Nelson; Back
L to R: Raelyn Lessen,
Ariana Hinkle, Hannah
Crider, Ashley Hall, Roux
Starr, Grace Skelton,
Miriam Carter. Not
Pictured: Cavit Schempp,
Molly Schempp, Noah
Stuckey, Lexi Tibbs, and
Alyssa Zimmer.
4-H Child Care, Home Interior, and Intergenerational State
Fair Delegates & Alternates: Front L to R – Molly Schempp,
Cavit Schempp, Mary Carlock; Back L to R: Hannah
Crider, Grace Skelton, Ruth Ruhl, Kamryn Aylesworth, and
Wil Buse
The Logan County 4-H Food, Nutrition &
Health Show was held on July 16, 2015 at
the Extension Building on the fairgrounds.
Approximately 50 youth participated in the
event. Raelyn Lessen was named the 2015 Top
Foods Exhibitor.
The 4-H’ers who were chosen to go on to the
State Fair are as follows:
FOODS - State Fair Delegates
Miriam Carter, Lincoln; Microwave C
Ashley Hall, Beason; Cooking 301
Grace Skelton, Middletown; Cooking 401
Roux Starr, Lincoln; Cooking 201
Lexi Tibbs, New Holland; Cooking 401
Alyssa Zimmer, Lincoln; Foods Challenge
FOODS - State Fair Alternates
Hannah Crider, Lincoln; Food Preservation
Ariana Hinkle, New Holland; Cooking 101
Raelyn Lessen, Lincoln; Cooking 301
Miranda Nelson, Middletown; Cooking 201
Cavit Schempp, Atlanta; Cooking 301
Noah Stuckey, Lincoln, Microwave A
CAKE DECORATING – State Fair Delegate
Emma Mammen, New Holland; Intermediate
CAKE DECORATING – State Fair Alternate
Kamryn Aylesworth, Mt. Pulaski; Beginning
– State Fair Delegates
Molly Schempp, Atlanta; Health III
Miranda Nelson, Middletown; Health I
Miranda Nelson, Middletown; Health I
HEALTH – State Fair Alternates
Ariana Hinkle, Health I
Mary Carlock, Health II