2013 Lincoln Daily News Fair Book - page 12

Saturday morning five
young people took part
in the annual 4-H Dog
Show at the Logan
County Fairgrounds.
Pictured above, from
left, are Roux Starr,
Emily Paulus, judge
Gail Vlahovich, Amelia
Kuhlman, Zac Gill and
Sarah Starasta.
Photo by Nila Smith
Dog Show turns out blue ribbons for everyone
Saturday morning it was unusual-
ly chilly for the end of July. At the
Logan County Fairgrounds, five
young people gathered outside for
the annual 4-H Dog Show.
Of the five contestants and their
pooches, three were new partici-
pants this year: Roux Starr, Emily
Paulus and Sarah Starasta. Zac
Gill returned to show again this
year, as did Amelia Kuhlman.
Also returning for the competi-
tion was judge Gail Vlahovich of
Bloomington. This is Vlahovich’s
third year of serving as judge for
Logan County.
Vlahovich works well with the
kids as they work to bring out the
best in their dogs. She spends time
one-on-one with each youngster,
talking to them about their animal
and how to show the dog at its
Saturday, with the chilly tem-
peratures, some wind and a lot of
traffic in the area, Vlahovich told
the kids they were attempting to
do something in the show ring that
most adults would be afraid to do,
and that is show a dog in an area
full of distractions.
Vlahovich, who shows dogs her-
self, told the boys and girls that
considering all that was going on
around them during their exer-
cises, they had all done extremely
well; therefore, all five were
awarded blue ribbons for their
Roux Starr received Best of Class
in Beginner 1 and Showmanship
1. Zac Gill took Best of Class in
Beginner 2 and Showmanship 2.
There were three who partici-
pated in the Dog Care portion of
the show: Sarah Starasta, Amelia
Kuhlman and Emily Paulus. All
three young ladies had to bring
their dogs into the arena for a
health inspection.
In the end, there was a tie for
Best of Show between Starasta
and Kuhlman. The girls each had
to return to the arena and answer
questions about their dogs and
how they take care of them.
Vlahovich made her final decision
based on the girls’ answers and
named Starasta as the recipient of
the Best of Show award.
page 12 2013 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com July 30, 2013
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