2013 Balloon Festival - page 203

2013 Art & Balloon Festival, August 30, 2013
Special edition of LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com Page 203
Last glow of the festival
brings out
thousands of spectators
Saturday night was the perfect evening for
the final glow of the Lincoln Art & Balloon
Festival. The late afternoon was breezy, but
toward 6 p.m. the breeze died down and the
launch went off without a hitch.
Once the balloons had taken to the air,
masses of people waited expectantly for their
return and the last glow of the year.
While they waited, some chose to grab a
snack, sandwich or a cold drink. Others
enjoyed visiting with friends and family, and
some took advantage of the balloon-free
runway to stretch their legs.
When the balloonists returned and began
unloading their baskets, many spectators
once again returned to the grass runway to
get close-up views of what was going on.
As the balloons formed a single line and
went through their paces at the call of the
announcer, the crowds cheered and offered
encouragement when the announcer sought
their assistance.
Pictures by Nila Smith
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