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The Logan County Fair
page 317 Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Lincoln Daily News is among the many proud
sponsors of the Logan County Fair special events each
year. This year LDN supported the Cake Classic as
well as the pie contest.
All entrants, regardless of how they placed in the
competition, received thank-you gifts courtesy of
Pictures by Deb Rohrer
2011 Logan County Fair Queen Kelsi Ubbenga took
up a new hobby that kept her a front-runner at this
year’s fair after her duties ended. Ubbenga took
third place with her spice cake, and it won $400 for
the Logan County 4-H Foundation. The cake was
purchased by Judge John McClullough.
This year’s queen, Dani Juilfs, said she was inspired
by Ubbenga and is considering learning to bake to
enter the contest herself next year. Who knows, if she
does, maybe they will start a trend for fair queens.
Below are the rest of the competitors in the order
they finished the competition. Logan County Fair
President Dean Bruns and 2012 Logan County
Fair Queen Dani Juilfs posed with each of the cake
winners after the auction.
Pictures by Jan Youngquist
2012 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY July 31, 2012