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The Logan County Fair
page 246 Friday, August 3, 2012
(Copy of show results
listed by the 4-H office)
Cooking 101 –
Blue Awards
Caroline Ahrends
Kamryn Aylesworth
Hunter Bailey
William Buse
Isaac Dueringer
Byron Hall
Ariana Hinkle
Amelia Kuhlman
James Lynn
Katie Lynn
Rachel Malin
Miranda Nelson
Emily Paulus
Cavit Schempp
Hannah Schmalshof
Sarah Starasta
Hannah Stewart
Cooking 201 –
Blue Awards
Molly Buse
William Buse
Audrey Dennison
Ashley Hall
Shelby Harrison
Aimee Howe
Griffen Jodlowski
Molly Schempp
Cooking 301 –
Blue Awards
Samuel Buse
William Buse
Miriam Carter
Hannah Crider
Julia Griffith
Livia Harmon
Katlyn Helton
Ryan Huffer
Alyssa Zimmer
Cooking 401 – Blue Awards
David Carter
James Carter
Jackie Ferreira
Ryan Huffer
Kenyon Jodlowski
Rachel Skelton
Tiffany Stewart
Alexandria Tibbs
Kelsi Ubbenga
Microwave Magic A -
Blue Awards
Hunter Bailey
Ashley Hall
Microwave Magic B –
Blue Award
Hannah Stewart
Microwave Magic C –
Blue Awards
David Carter
Miriam Carter
Hannah Crider
Alexandria Tibbs
Microwave Magic D –
Blue Awards
Livia Harmon
Katlyn Helton
Tiffany Stewart
Kelsi Ubbenga
Logan County 4-H Food
and Nutrition Show
2012 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY July 31, 2012