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The Logan County Fair
page 183 Friday, August 3, 2012
As night fell on the Logan County Fairgrounds Wednesday, it was time for the calf scramble.
For this competition there is an age restriction. Youngsters going for a calf must be between the ages of 12 and
17 on Aug. 1.
Scrambling for a calf is a little more dangerous and complicated than for a chicken, goat or pig. The calves
are bigger than all the other animals. In general, a cow or calf doesn’t mind running headfirst into a fence or a
person if that is what they need to do to escape.
Consequently there were several more adults in the arena during this show. They ran with the kids a lot of
the time, were very close by when a kid would make a head-latch with a calf, and they were careful to keep
themselves between the calves and the spectators who were lining the fence of the area.
As is the case with all the fair activities, there was a Logan County Paramedic Association ambulance close by
for first-aid or injuries. Luckily the night went off without a hitch, and when it was all said and done, several
young people were the proud owners of new calves.
Once again, they will be required to take care of the calf for the next year and enter it in a 4-H livestock show at
the next Logan County Fair.
Pictures by Lisa Ramlow and Nila Smith
2012 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY July 31, 2012