Logan County Tax Assessments
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Valuation date (35 ILCS 200/9-95:        January 1, 2017

Required level of assessment

(35 ILCS 200/9-145):          33.33%

Valuation based on sales from

(35 ILCS 200/1-155):         2014, 2015, & 2016

Publication is hereby made for equalized assessed valuations for real property in this township in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-10.

Pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/10-115, the farmland assessments for the 2017 assessment year will increase by 10% of the preceding year’s median cropped soil productivity index as certified by the Illinois Department of Revenue with data provided by the Farmland Assessment Technology Advisory Board resulting in a 24.05 per acre increase for each soil productivity index.

As required by 35 ILCS 200/9-210 and 35 ILCS 200/10-115, the following equalization factors have been applied to bring the assessments to the statutorily required three-year median level of 33.33%

Township Farm Land

(DOR Certified)

Farm/Non-Farm Lots, Residential Improve, Farm Dwillings, Commercial & Industrial
Aetna  1.10 .9988
Atlanta 1.10 .9952
Broadwell 1.10 .9988
Chester 1.10 1.020
Corwin  1.10 .9988
East Lincoln 1.10 1.001
Elkhart 1.10 .9988
Eminence 1.10 .9884
Hurlbut 1.10 .9988
Laenna 1.10 .9988
Lake Fork 1.10 .9988
Mt. Pulaski 1.10 1.020
Oran 1.10 .9952
Orvil 1.10 .9884
Prairie Creek 1.10 .9988
Sheridan 1.10 .9988
West Lincoln 1.10 .9884

Property owners who consider their property incorrectly assessed may file a complaint with the Logan County Board of Review on or before October 20, 2017.  The Board of Review will be in session by appointment, at the Supervisor of Assessments Office at 122 N. McLean St. in Lincoln, IL.  Copies of the Board of Review rules and regulations are available in the Supervisor of Assessments office or on line at www.logancountyil.gov

Final date to file complaints for all townships will be November 20, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.

Denise K. Martinek

Chief County Assessment Officer



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